Together Loihde Analytics and Loihde Advisory are Loihde Advance

In October, we announced that the business operations of Loihde Analytics and Loihde Advisory are about to merge into a new company. The new unit that is formed as a result of the merger will also have a new name, and that new company name will be Loihde Advance.

Loihde Advance was chosen in an internal naming contest that generated more than 140 proposals from more than 60 employees.  The selection criteria for the Loihde Advance name were the following: how it reflects the business of the new company, how it suits Loihde’s corporate naming practice and how it functions on a daily basis. According to Chief Marketing Officer Jere Teutari, Loihde Advance reflects the vision of the new company: to be the best business continuity partner. This is realised by building a winning culture at Loihde Advance, by understanding the customer’s business challenges and by starting from ideas in order to build solutions that promote the customer’s business.

The Loihde Advance name will be introduced as a brand name in early 2023 and the legal merger of the companies is completed during spring 2023.

We will inform about the arrangements caused by the name change as needed in 2023, when changes affect our talent or customers.

Combating domestic violence through artificial intelligence

It is estimated that one in three women in the world is experiencing violence in close relationships. The number may sound high, but that is part of the problem: domestic violence is hidden and victims have a high threshold to report it, let alone seek help. Finnish impact company We Encourage and digital development and security solutions specialist Loihde are building an AI-based tool to help both the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.