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Ship design secured with a combination of artificial intelligence and human intervention

Viria - Deltamarin

Deltamarin Group introduced Loihde’s endpoint protection service combined with CSOC monitoring.

The specialty of Deltamarin, who are active in Finland, Poland, China and Croatia, is ship design and various marine and offshore industry services.

Before the agreement with Loihde, Deltamarin used a traditional anti-virus scan software. When its licence was about to end, they had to think about their future needs. This is when the need for SOC services was discussed within Deltamarin.

“We thought that we should expand our anti-virus solution and that it would be better to use a solution based on modern behaviour analysis combined with a SOC service that reacts to identified threats,” says Petteri Nakamura, ICT Service Manager from Deltamarin.

Deltamarin started using Loihde’s endpoint protection service based on SentinelOne technology combined with Loihde’s Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) monitoring service. In the CSOC service, Loihde’s experts monitor the customer’s information security status and act if anything suspicious or abnormal occurs on the devices. The service covers the entire life cycle of threats from protection to monitoring, including countermeasures and forensics.

The right choice

The supplier selection process was carried out with care. Several parties contacted Deltamarin about their services and the company tested the available solutions extensively.

“In the end, there was a pretty tough final sprint between two competing solutions, one from Loihde and one from a company based abroad,” says Nakamura. In the end, the winner was Loihde due to several reasons.

Loihde’s solution based on SentinelOne technology detected anomalies on workstations at a considerably higher rate. “SentinelOne seemed like a much better solution, as did Loihde as a Finnish company,” says Nakamura. “In general, communication is much better in Finnish,” he adds. One of the most important reasons was Loihde’s solution’s low demands on workstations. “The agent is very light on workstations compared to the agents of traditional solutions,” emphasises Loihde’s Account Manager Pekka Numminen. This is particularly important to Deltamarin, who use computers to perform ship design calculations and 3D design that require a lot from the CPU.

The fourth important reason was that Loihde’s CSOC can, in addition to detection, react to anomalies. “I am very happy that we have chosen Loihde,” says Nakamura.

Loihde’s experts remain vigilant

Nakamura says that the service’s launch process was faultless. Endpoint protection solutions were first installed for a small group of test users before applying the solution more widely. “Some minor adjustments had to be made and they all went very well without any fuss,” says Nakamura.

“Now, real humans will review the situation if anything odd happens in our devices. The CSOC sometimes sends us messages and verifications, such as ‘Something needs to be done about this’ or ‘Can we run this?’, which definitely provides certainty to this job,” says Nakamura.

“Although we are an international company, everyone involved with IT is Finnish. It has been considerably easier for us to have everything done in Finnish. Overall, the launch of the service and the CSOC’s activities have went very well,” concludes Nakamura.