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Loihde uses ABLOY PULSE to protect a housing company with three apartment blocks

As Oy Rokkalantornit is one of the largest housing companies in Mikkeli with three apartment blocks and a total of 123 apartments. The large housing company trusts the ABLOY PULSE system as its new locking system.

Housing safety comes first

When the housing company built in 1963, went through extensive structural engineering changes, including renewal of the heating, plumbing, air conditioning, electricity and lifts, they also wanted to modernise their locking solution.

“We were using old, warded keys that had been in our housing company for at least 25 years. Since you could get copies from any cobblers and keys, there was a need to ensure housing safety by renewing the locking system”, says Matti Salonen, chairperson of the housing company’s board of directors.

In a large housing company, there is always a turnover of residents, which increases the security risks. In addition to this, the housing company has certain communal areas, like saunas and storage rooms, so being able to manage and customise access was important.

Rokkalantornit has three apartment blocks in Mikkeli.

“We have quite a lot of small one-room flats and a lot of tenants. Earlier, if a key went missing, there was a clear decrease in security. That was our starting point”, Salonen states.

The new system is practical and modern

The housing company chose the electronic ABLOY PULSE locking system as its new solution. It brings security to the apartment block in many ways.

The entrance door opens when you show the head of the key to the reader.

“With the PULSE system, access can be changed on the run. If somebody has lost a key, it can be remotely removed from the system without any mechanical work”, says Pasi Siiskonen, Sales and Project Manager at Loihde.

The idea behind the system is that each house always has at least one reader that is updatable, usually at the entrance door. This is also the case in Rokkalantornit. The reader is updated with the information that has changed and from there the information gets transferred with the keys to all other locks. The keys and locks communicate with each other.

PULSE doesn’t require batteries or wires since it produces its own energy.

The entrance door opens when you show the head of the key to the reader.

“The key doesn’t require a battery; the system gets the energy it needs from the kinetic energy of the key being inserted and turned”, Siiskonen explains.

The electronic locking system also logs access data.

“If there is vandalism or other improper use of the facilities, it is easy to find out who has accessed the building”, he continues.

As easy as pie

The housing company also considered another electronic locking system as part of the process.

“We compared the alternatives for several months, but came to the conclusion that PULSE is very state of the art. In addition, the key looks very modern. That was also one criterion that we took into account”, Salonen says.

The entrance door opens when you show the head of the key to the reader.

“Changing locking systems has certainly increased security. The change ensures that “the right person” opens the door”, he ponders.

Initially, the housing company chose between three solutions, but the winning tender was made by Loihde. The decision to choose Loihde was influenced by the housing company having a long-term and good confidential relationship with Loihde’s contact person.

“Changing the locking system with everything it included was as easy as pie. Everything was on schedule, as agreed”, Salonen smiles contentedly.

“Loihde’s personnel changed the locks and explained to all the residents how the new locks work. They were very professional and precise”, Salonen says.

“The entire process left me in high spirits, he concludes with satisfaction.”

The main image of the article depicts Loihde’s Sales and Project Manager Pasi Siiskonen to the left and chairperson of the Rokkalantornit housing company’s board of directors Matti Salonen to the right.

Considering getting a new locking system? Explore Loihde’s locking services.